
2024年2月20日—Imendthatitsnotwargamemoresteeldivision.Whichwhatismostlytalkedabouthere.Andforafewmonthstherewasnorealcompetition.,2023年4月26日—Thecampaignsareafunwaytolearnthebasicsofthegame.TheAIisnevergoingtobeamatchininterest/qualityforhumanplayersbut ...,2023年6月19日—Goodevening,IamcurrentlyconsideringbuyingWargame,butsincethegameisalreadyalittleolder,Iwonderifitisstillworthit.,r/wargame...

What was in that Red Dragon update from yesterday?

2024年2月20日 — I mend that its not wargame more steel division. Which what is mostly talked about here. And for a few months there was no real competition.

Red Dragon Singleplayer Experience?

2023年4月26日 — The campaigns are a fun way to learn the basics of the game. The AI is never going to be a match in interest / quality for human players but ...

Should you still buy the game in 2023

2023年6月19日 — Good evening, I am currently considering buying Wargame, but since the game is already a little older, I wonder if it is still worth it.


r/wargamebootcamp: This subreddit is dedicated to reversing the stigma that Wargame: Red Dragon has as a tough, unrelenting game with a toxic…

wargame red dragon worth it?

2022年6月23日 — If you want to sink hundreds of hours into a sweaty, complex, sophisticated game with a huge learning curve, then yes it's worth it.

Wargame Red Dragon IS Realistic

2024年2月12日 — It is a video game. It gives you the feeling of realism for an RTS because of it's scale and the stats. However it's not, war is fucked.


... wargame: This subreddit is for the Wargame RTS series for the PC ... Are there any campaign mods for Wargame Red Dragon ... This subreddit is for the Wargame RTS ...